Monday, September 8, 2014

A Few Thoughts On President Obama And The ISIS Situation/Crisis

IRAQ ISIS group situation map stats of military might in surrounding countries and religious groups

I realize that President Obama is hesitant to deploy U.S. ground troops against ISIS (for fear of repeating GWB's mistakes and being responsible for American causalities) and wants other nations to join in (so terrorist groups will not strictly target the U.S. in retaliation) but a ground war is necessary to stop ISIS, not just supporting anti ISIS rebels, which is not enough, nor airstrikes or special ops. We also need more world leaders like Putin to strongly join in the effort of destroying and eradicating ISIS from The Middle East (and other nations too, where present) there is too much inaction going on, not enough being done, innocent people are dying everyday where ISIS and as long as ISIS in power, I say President Obama hand everything over to our nation's top military leaders, generals and advisers and leave them to do the rest.

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