Thursday, December 18, 2014

Taliban Kills 120 Children, maybe more, in Pakistan

Taliban and ISIS pigs are not human. They are simply put monsters and demons that look human but are not.

Sigh... Very sad.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

ISIS Is So Media Savvy...

"ISIS are media savvy and started their own TV Station

 Here's the TV guide they issued:

 8:00 Husseinfeld
 8:30 Mad About Everything
 9:00 Suddenly Sanctions
 9:30 Allah McBeal

 8:00 Wheel of Fortune and Terror
 8:30 The Price is Right if Al Baghdadi Says its Right
 9:00 Children are Forbidden to Say The Darndest Things
 9:30 ISIS Funniest beheading Bloopers

 8:00 Buffy the Yankee Imperialist Dog Slayer
 8:30 Diagnosis: Heresy
 9:00 Debate: Why marrying 6 year old girls is not paedophilia
 9:30 Veilwatch

 8:00 Debate: Sex with captured girls vs sex with wives
 8:30 M*U*S*T*A*S*H
 9:00 Veronica's Closet Full of Long, Black, Shapeless Dresses
 9:30 My Two Baghdads

 8:00 Judge Jihadi John
 8:30 Captured American journalists Say The Darndest Things
 9:00 72 Virgins - how to use the repair kit
 9:30 No-witness News"

From a friend via Facebook lol ^_^