Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Bury Dead ISIS Members Face Down.

They are abominations and demons from hell, bury all dead ISIS/ISIL members face down, pointing to hell and not facing upward.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Message To Al Queda and ISIS

You will never win nor prevail.

You are disciples of the devil.

America started fighting back right
on 9/11 by preventing Flight 93 from
reaching the White House by making
a Heroic sacrifice, united as Americans.

You will never win nor succeed in terrorizing us.

Your false beliefs and ideological ideas
are evil and less then pigshit.

We will win the war on terror.

You terrorists are cowards and evil,
you will forever be lost causes and
may you fail in all your endeavor's
and evil plotting

American will always prevail.