Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Allahu Pigshit, Allahu Pigshit, Allahu Pigshit

Whenever inbred pigshit Islamic assholes yell Allahu (whatever) be sure to automatically spell it correctly: Allahu pigshit. 

100 Palestinians Executed Over Priest Killed

100 Palestinians have been executedin retaliation for the 85 year old Catholic priest killed in France.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Best Defense Against IS

Guns are the best defense against IS followed by good security.

IS Kills Women, Children and Elderly

The sick disease, the cancer of Humanity, the sickness known as IS aka ISIL picks on, bullies, tortures and kills women, children and the elderly. They will pick on those weaker then them b/c they cannot fight those stronger them them. Don't let IS scare you. They are not scary. They are pigs. They are not men only children of Satan. I condem them.

IS Kills 85 Year Old Priest in France

IS pigs killed an 85 year old priest in France in yet another pigshit terror attsck bu slittinghis throat. The terroristd then raped a nun, spoke in Arabic  before police shot them 300 times, blowing off their heads and genitles. Their bodies will be fed to hogs and pigs.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Nice, France Victims

May the victims of Nice, France test in peace.

Nice, France Terrorist Pig

Each bullet from the police that hit the psycho driver mass murderer in Nice, France hit him with the force of a solid wooden baseball bat swinging at 100mph. That shitfuck asshole ate lead.